What do mothers do to make children happy?
My mother makes me happy when we go to the Miami Seaquarium. I see fish and sharks!
- Emillano, 6
They take you out when you’re bored and help you with stuff you don’t know.
- Tangie, 10
What makes a great mother?
Someone who helps you behave, do good in class and get an A.
- Elias, 7
A good mother makes you feel better when you’re sad.
- Leillani, 8
A good mother – or grandmother – gives you love. Every night my grandmother kisses us good night, hugs us and says, “I love you so much!”
What can a father do for a mother on Mother’s Day?
Fathers can help decorate pictures with little, shining hearts.
- Emillano
Clean up the house and her help with dinner.
- Leillani
Produced in partnership with the Fatherhood Task Force of South Florida.